杉原千畝:chiune sugihara

このあいだビデオに録画しておいたドラマをみた。読売テレビのスペシャルドラマで、杉原千畝の物語。杉原千畝は外交官としてリトアニアへ赴任し、ナチスの迫害から逃げようとするユダヤ人に日本へのビザを発給して、6000人の命を救った人。政府の命令に逆らって独断で発給を決断した。ドラマの中で「人の命より大事なものってあるのか」っていってたけど、ない。命が一番大事。でも、自分のすべてをかけてまで人のために何かできるのか、私に?うーん。。。杉原千畝のことは中学校から知っていた。薄い本を読んで日本語に訳したりを英語の授業でやった。i had the dream working for the united nations when i was in junior high school, that class learning about chiune sugihara was one of the reason encouraged me to think like that. i wanted to help people over the world suffering from unhappy life; i strongly against for female genital mutilation(女性性器切除). people mostly in africa still operate the FGM for girls only because they believe that "custom" is needed. yeah each community has its own traditional custom, like in japan we have some mountains which women cannot clime up. about FGM, it is not only harming girl's body, it also hurt them mentally. anyway watching this drama gave me a great opportunity to think about my dream i have been having...


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